Business Intelligence (BI) is a function that – if wielded in the right way – can practically be a superpower for businesses in any sector or industry. But, in the wrong hands, it can make businesses chase needles in haystacks and have their employees wound up to breaking point. So, to avoid the dark side, you need to know what it looks like.

Maybe you’ve felt the impact of bad BI at a previous business, or perhaps the one you’re in right now (hopefully not). Or, you’ve never seen the damage it’s capable of doing, in which case you really need to pay attention to the rest of this piece. The path to the dark side is not one to be taken lightly.

Information Overload

One of the most common problems associated with BI is information overload. With so much data available, it can be challenging to filter out the noise and focus on what’s actually important. This can lead to poor decision-making or missed opportunities.

To clear out the noise, establish the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your business and its goals – and keep a close eye on them so that they can be continually refined.

Data visualization is one of the best ways to present KPIs in a clear and concise manner, making it easier to identify trends and patterns. Data visualizations are built on data sources, so make sure they’re up-to-date with tools that reliably link the right data with the right apps – PlatformManager is a great place to start. Application governance and compliance is needed to be in full control of your DevOps.

Biased Decision-Making

Biased decision-making isn’t a new thing – it’s been going on forever. But, with data and insight now being the drivers in action in modern businesses, bias can often be reinforced more easily because if there’s data to support it, it must be ok, right? Unfortunately, data can be manipulated to support predetermined decisions or biases, rather than being used to make objective decisions. This is often unintentional, such as overlooking data that doesn’t support a desired outcome.

To avoid biased decision-making, it’s important to use a diverse set of data sources and to have checks and balances in place to ensure that decisions are based on objective analysis. Additionally, data should be reviewed and validated by multiple stakeholders to ensure that any biases are identified and addressed.

People Problems

BI can create a culture of micromanagement, where employees feel like they are constantly being watched and evaluated based on their performance metrics. This can stifle creativity and innovation, as employees might be afraid to take risks or think outside the box for fear of being judged solely on the quantitative metrics managers have access to through dashboards.

To avoid a culture of micromanagement, it’s important to balance data-driven decision-making with qualitative analysis and human intuition. Allow employees to have input into the KPIs that are being tracked and provide opportunities for them to share their insights and ideas.

BI is brilliant, you’ll never hear us say anything other than that. But that’s only if it’s approached and applied in the right way. That means being aware of the potential negative consequences and putting processes and systems in place that help you hold the darkness at bay.

If you want to stay on the right side of BI, you need tools that support better apps, data quality, and deployment times. For all that, you need PlatformManager. Contact us today to find out more.