As the date for Qlik Connect 2024 draws near, the excitement within the data analytics community is very real. Scheduled to take place from June 3-5, 2024, at the Rosen Shingle Creek, Florida, this year’s event promises to be a great gathering of leaders in data strategy, analytics, and AI. 


While PlatformManager won’t be attending in person this year, we’re eagerly anticipating the insights and innovations that will be showcased. This year’s conference theme is centered around real-world applications of AI, so there really will be some special tech on show.


Why We’re Excited

While we may not be on the ground in Orlando (it’s a super busy time right now at PlatformManager HQ) our excitement for Qlik Connect 2024 is still very high, and we’re particularly keen to follow the developments around Qlik Staige. It’s getting a lot of push from Qlik right now and for good reason, capitalizing on the hype around AI, while also delivering a really powerful technology to customers. With the potential to revolutionize how businesses analyze data, make decisions, and drive growth, we won’t be the only ones looking to get the inside scoop on Staige.

PlatformManager’s solutions are designed to complement and enhance the capabilities of Qlik, making it easier for organizations to manage their data environments and optimize their analytics workflows. So for us, the importance of staying current with the latest trends and tech is clear; and Qlik Connect provides the perfect opportunity to gain insights from the best in the industry. Luckily for us, we have a number of partners who are in attendance that will be feeding back everything we need to know to stay ahead of the curve.


Among the most anticipated sessions is the keynote by Mike Capone, CEO of Qlik, which once he’s finished up will lead Qlik to show off its product roadmap and vision which, based on market trends and the noises they’re already making, AI is going to heavily feature AI.

With such a driving force behind AI development in BI apps (as well as more broadly) one of the most important topics this year is the ethical implementation of AI. Maintaining integrity and ethical standards is top of mind for CTOs everywhere – we know because we’ve spoken to them about it. Nina Schick from Qlik’s AI Council, alongside experts like Dr. Michael Bronstein and Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, will address these issues in a dedicated panel discussion. 


If you’re headed to Qlik Connect this year, we’d also love to get your take on the announcements. We’re anticipating some big news, but will the reality fall short of industry expectations? If you think they do get in touch, it’s always helpful to get a take from the other side of the coin.

Finally, and this is from experience, drink lots of water and wear comfortable shoes. You’ll thank us after a few days at a Floridian business conference!


Once you get back up to speed following the conference, find out about how the PlatformManager solution perfectly integrates with Qlik, no matter where the roadmap is headed.